Your opportunity to preserve and protect our regional parks for future generations.
Share your love and appreciation of our regional parks and the health of our environment. Give future generations the opportunity to experience the simple and cherished moments you were fortunate to have spent in the presence of nature.
“We must begin thinking like a river if we are to leave a legacy of beauty and life for future generations.”
David Brower
Leave a Charitable Gift in your Will
You have more power to make a difference than you realize. By giving even a small portion of your estate to charity, you can make a significant impact in Regional Parks, and still support those you love. We’ve partnered with Will Power, a national public education campaign designed to inspire Canadians to think differently about charitable giving, and empower them to create positive change through their Wills.
3 million+ Canadians are now leaving a gift in their Will to charity. These are ordinary people using the power of their Wills to make a difference in this world.
“Ethical Wills” have surged in the past few years. Here’s why:
- You can make a major contribution to Regional Parks.
- You don’t use any money you need now.
- You’ll can still support loved ones in the future.
It’s pretty amazing what even 1% of your estate can do. See for yourself using Will Power’s legacy calculator.
Change the world with a charitable gift in your Will, while still supporting those you love.
Create a Legacy

You don’t have to be wealthy to create a legacy for the future of our regional parks. After you have cared for your loved ones, your gift – regardless of size – will help protect and preserve our regional parks for years to come.
Leaving a gift that helps to build a better world is the power of Legacy Giving and it is much easier than you think. Choosing what legacy you want to leave is a unique opportunity for you to express your values and to make a significant mark upon the future.
Moreover, legacy gifts have the added benefit of reducing income tax during your lifetime or through your estate. One of the simplest ways to create a powerful legacy is through a bequest in your will to Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation.
Making Your Gift
All you need is our legal name and address, as well as one of the following sample clauses.
Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation
6825 Cariboo Rd
Burnaby, BC
Canada V3N 4A3
Registered Charity Number: 889353017RR0001
- “I give to Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation the residue of my Estate for its charitable purposes.”
- “I give to Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation ____ percent of the residue of my Estate for its charitable purposes.”
- “I give to Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Foundation the sum of $____________ (or a description of the property or asset) for its charitable purposes.”
We recommend that you consult with a legal professional and your financial advisor to ensure that your will is valid, that your wishes are fulfilled, and that you and your estate receive the maximum tax benefits.

Become a Regional Parks Visionary Today
Contact us at 778-900-1053 or for more information.